A Fitting Touch
† beautiful addition
Bereavement is a sad and difficult time but creating a beautiful Order of Service in memory of your loved one can be a fitting remembrance for all to cherish.
It is with this in mind that Arthur Worsley Funeral services are delighted to partner with a local design& print company called ‘The Funeral Directory’ supply a sympathetic, comprehensive and personal ‘Order of Service’ booklets, leaflets and memorial cards designed to complement the occasion.
Trusted Supplier
† over 30 years experience
With over thirty years’ experience of producing quality funeral stationery in association with Funeral Directors and individuals, our service has been specifically designed to help you through this difficult and emotional period in life.
As such, we can offer high quality design and printing at short notice with no minimum quantity, all to your individual requirements.
Our funeral stationery can go beyond the service itself, to cover many other aspects such as acknowledgement cards, thanks or memorial cards.
† frequently asked questions
Can I use my own photographs?
Yes. This is included in the overall costing shown on our Prices page. Our costing also includes using other images such as illustrations or paintings. Any image will be adjusted in size to fit the page. You can supply photographs as existing electronic files in the form of JPEG, TIFF or PDF.
Alternatively, you can send ‘hard copy’ photographs for us to scan. These will be returned to you with your order.
If requested, we can supply prints from the scanned image or provide a CD or memory stick of the electronic files. There is an additional cost for this service.
Can you adjust/improve my photographs?
Yes. We ‘amend’ most photographs to take out backgrounds or additional detail to focus solely on the individual.
We can ‘repair’ photographs by taking out creases, dust spots, red-eye etc. In extreme cases we have completely reconstructed photographs or recovered and enhanced colour.
The cost of this work is fully included in the price of the service sheets. We do not cut or damage photographs in any way.
How long will it take to produce my Order of Service?
After receiving your order, you will be emailed a proof within twenty-four hours for you to check and make any alterations or changes to the content or layout etc. If time permits, a further proof will be sent for approval prior to going to print.
Once printed it will be sent to the address specified by you which could be your funeral director.
Timed deliveries can be accommodated, if necessary, at additional cost.
† a direct service
For Further information regarding the design and print of a beautiful order of service, please contact the dedicated team at The Funeral Directory directly.